


The VOIspeed multimedia telephone platform has powerful and flexible integration tools that allow the realization of many functions and needs that would otherwise not be obtainable with the simple configuration of the PBX.

Throughout this guide, we will explain the basic concepts of VOIspeed platform architecture and how it operates, which is paramount to your understanding the development tools available to you.

We will continue with the analysis of the various integration tools available and how they are configured to be immediately operational. At the same time in this section, we shall write our first applications “hello world”, one for each type of integration.
We shallo list all the services and events available, describing their parameters and their meaning.

The last part of the guide will focus on three very common integration scenarios in the business environment that we shall analyse and partially implement:

  1. We shall make telephone bar within a mini CRM, from which we will be able to create calls, put them on hold and retrieve them, break them down and view their contact cards at the same time.
  2. We shall make a simple predictive dialer which is a widely-used tool in the call centre environment. Our example application will take a large number of numbers as input. These numbers will be called automatically, and at when answered, the external interlocutor will be put in communication with an operator of the call centre itself.
  3. In this scenario, through the PIN request by the IVR, we will authenticate the caller and then forward it to the operator most suitable for processing the call.

VOIspeed Architecture

System entity

The SYSTEM ENTITIES are the constitutive elements of the VOIspeed platform that interact with each other giving rise to calls and other forms of interconnection (Fig. 1.1).

Figure 1.1

System entities derive from a superclass that defines their usage interface. They are divided into categories, each of which defines a typical behavior for the same category that can be activated through the common interface (Fig. 1.2).

Figure 1.2

Each entity is defined by an identifier (ID), unique within its category, and by the category itself (TYPE).

Table 1 lists all entity types and their values.

System entities are divided into atomic entities and compound entities .

The entities composed , in addition to implement the behavior defined by the category they belong, contain within them other atomic entity or compound in turn.
A good example of a composite entity is the ring group which contains N users inside
The users themselves are compound entities since they include the M terminals (DEVICE) associated with them (see figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3

All system entities can be added, updated and deleted from the WEB configurator. In particular:

Each system entity can be configured according to the provisions of its category to which it belongs.

The configuration of a ring group, for example, concerns how many and which users must ring when a call arrives for the group, for how long, in what order and what actions must be performed in case of failure.
The configuration of an IVR allows you to establish the tree of nodes to cross, with which input you go from one node to another, which message must be played on each node and which actions must be performed by the nodes themselves.
In general, the configuration of entities gives them a “static” behavior when they are involved in a call. This behavior remains unchanged until the next configuration change.

Routing rules

When a call arrives, the routing rules determine which system entities will play the role of caller and callee for the call. This routing depends on the number called, the time of arrival of the call and the calling number.

The integration tools, allow you to obtain dynamic call flows (as far as possible) otherwise unobtainable with only the configuration of entities and routing rules.


Switching is the controller of an audio video call
running on the PBX, in which two system entities are involved
performing the roles of caller and called (Fig. 1.4).

Switching receives events from the calling entity, processes them and eventually sends commands to the called entity and vice versa.

Figure 1.4

Each system entity manages N calls, each of which refers to its own call controller (switch).
Figure 1.5 shows Entity B having two calls in progress:

Figure 1.5

The calls A1, B1, B2, and C1 are called "entity calls" and are identified in turn by a unique "entity_call_id" and generated when the calls are created.

If we compare any call to a play

Figure 1.6

Integration tools

In this chapter we will list the VOIspeed platform integration tools and how to configure them to be used in your applications.

VOIspeed provides three levels of integration tools (Fig.2.1):

Figure 2.1

Http \ https protocol

Each integration level communicates with the outside world
through a services and events interface via
http \ https protocol .

Each level of integration is centered on the telephone business of a specific sector of the VOIspeed platform.
The user level , for example, is focused on the activity of the system extensions
The IVR level , on the other hand, is tuned to the activity of one or more automatic responders.
The extended interface, finally, notification events and provides services for all entities of VOIspeed platform from a more general perspective (extended).
Each type of interface has been designed for certain integration scenarios which we will describe in detail below.

User and extended interface configuration
In this paragraph we will see which configurations are necessary to enable integration at user level and \ or extended level.


Figure 2.2

Hello world
Now that we've set up our first integration, let's try everything out and write our first “ Hello world ” application
Actually our “Hello world” will not require any coding; in fact, using our browser, we will send the command call_request to create a call between extension 35 and external number 187

Please Note. Before starting, let's make sure that, in your PBX, there is an extension “35”, that this extension has at least one SIP terminal associated with it, and that there is at least one gateway and / or carrier voip that allows us to make calls on the public network.


If all the prerequisites are met and you have carried out everything described to the letter, you should see the birth of the call between extension 35 and number 187.
Congratulations! You gave your first call command to the PBX through the integration module you created and configured yourself.

In the following chapters we will analyse all the user and extended services describing the relative parameters for each one, and illustrate this now with the example of the one just launched.

Now let's analyse what your browser shows when the command is finished

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


All service requests generate an XML response encapsulated in the result tag within which you find the outcome tag whose value indicates the success or failure of the command.

In case of command failure the response obtained will be of this type:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<error>connection not found</error></result>

Event Logger
Now we will implement a very simple "Logger" of events on file in order to check how many and which events arrive in relation to a user call.
Before writing code for our application, we must indicate to the VOIspeed platform where we want to receive events. To do this, simply click on the Configure icon of your integration module and enter the URL for notifications (eg http: //my_server/logger.php ).

Once the configuration is done, create the “logger.php” file , copy the following code, save it and in your web server.

	$file_handle = fopen('logger.txt','a');
	fwrite($file_handle,date(DATE_RSS).' '.$params."\r\n");

We have simply written in the file the date_time of arrival of the event and the query string of the event itself.

At this point, go back to your browser and run the Hello World application call_request command again ; as before, you should see a call originate from the SIP terminal of extension “35” to number 187, listen to the audio from the terminal for a few seconds and then end the call from the terminal itself.

Now go to your WEB server and open the file "logger.txt" and if everything went smoothly, you should find three events all related to "35":

  1. event_type=2&event=9&event_name=outgoing_call&ext=35
  2. event_type=2&event=14&event_name=call_answered&ext=35
  3. event_type=2&event=16&event_name=call_disconnect_out&ext=35

In the recorded events there are other parameters which we will discuss later, but now we will focus on those shown above.

The event 9outgoing_call” indicates that the user "35" called the number 187, present in the parameter "number" do not appear.

The event 14call_answered” indicates that the call to 187 was accepted by 187 itself.

The event 16call_disconnect_out” indicates that the interior "35" has ended the call.

In summary

User integration

In this section we will focus on the user level which, as we have already seen in the previous chapter, has services and events that we will list and analyse one by one.
We will understand which services to use to make a call, put it on hold and reactivate it, forward it and end it. We will also understand how to retrieve call information from user events, and then use them as call service parameters.

The service requests, as we saw in the small “Hello world” example , are “HTTP GETs” that get an XML response containing the “outcome” tag .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <error> error description </error>

The tag <outcome> 1 </outcome indicates that the service request was rejected and the tag <error> contains the reason for the failure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <request_id> 56732980 </request_id>

The tag <outcome> 0 </outcome, however does not mean that the command was executed successfully, but that the system has received the request that will be executed at a later time.

The execution of the requested services is asynchronous , ie the request is examined and in case of validation a request_id is returned ..
At the time of the actual execution of the request, in case of failure, the sender will be notified of the "command failed" event containing the request_id parameter, whose value is the one returned at the time of the request.

User services

Service Description
call_request make a call
call_action performs an action on a call
set_user_mode set user mode
get_user_call_report requests the user call report

The service parameter must be included in all service requests to
identify the service to be provided


The token parameter must be included in all requests to service for the identification and authentication of the sender

Service “call_request”

Allows you to make a call from a user, specified by the "ext" parameter, to a number, specified by the "number" parameter. It is also possible to specify with which terminal to make the call and an external identification which will then be inserted in all notifications concerning the call itself.

Parameters :


    <outcome>0 = Ok \ 1 = KO </outcome>  
    <request_id> service request id </request_id> 



Service “call_action”

Allows you to perform an action on an existing call, as long as you know its identification.
The integrator can learn the call sign by intercepting user call event notifications.

Parameters :


    <outcome>0 = Ok \ 1 = KO </outcome>  
    <request_id> id richiesta service  </request_id> 

Divert Example


Disconnect example


Service “set_user_mode”

Sets user mode for normal, do not disturb, away and divert.

Parameters :


    <outcome>0 = Ok \ 1 = KO </outcome>  
    <request_id> service request id </request_id> 

Example set_user_mode

Set do not disturb mode


Service “get_user_call_report”

Retrieves the history of calls relating to a user of the system, which
respond to a series of requirements specified by the parameters entered in the request.
The history will be returned in XML format and each call will be placed in a tag <call>..</call>.

Parameters :

Result failed

    <error> failure reason </error> 

Result successful

	<outcome>0 </outcome>
	    <id> autoincrement 
	    <callid> Id communication
	    <start_time> call start time
	    <answer_time> Call answered time
	    <duration> duration in seconds
        <outcome> outcome (Appendices\Table 8)
	    <direction> direction of the call
	    <my_number> extension of the user
	    <remote_number> interlocutor number
	    <local_id> entity_call_id
	    <group_name>membership group name
	    <company>company contact for "my_number"
	    <surname>contact surname for "my_number"
	    <name>name contact per “my_number”
	    <remote_company>contact company for "remote_number"
	    <remote_surname>contact surname for "my_number"
	    <remote_name> name contact per “my_number” 

User events

In the Integration tools chapter we saw how to configure an integration module, in which you specified:

If you have configured everything correctly, upon the occurrence of the events you have selected relating to the users of your interest, you will receive "notifications" at the URL you have indicated.

All user events will always contain the following parameters:

Event Code Description
cmd_failed 1 Command failed
incoming_call 8 Incoming call to the user
outgoing_call 9 Call made by the user
new_voicemail 10 New voice message for the user
lost_call 12 New missed call for the user
call_answered 14 Call answered
call_rejected 15 Call rejected
call_disconnect_out 16 Call terminated by the user
call_disconnect_in 17 Call termination received
call_transfer 18 Call transferred

Please note
the “call_transfer” event (code 18) has not yet been implemented.p>

Event “cmd_failed”

Code : 1

Let's suppose that you have made a service request related to a certain user and that the user services interface has validated it and returned the “request_id”.
If, during the execution of the request, any problem arises that makes it impossible to provide the service, the "cmd_failed" event is notified


Event “incoming_call”

Code: 8

This event notifies the arrival of a call for the extension “ext” by the “number”.


Event “outgoing_call”

Code: 9

This event notifies that the extension "ext" is calling the number "number".

Event “new_voicemail”

Code: 10

This event is notified when there is a new voicemail message in a user's voicemail.


Event “lost_call”

Code: 12

This event is raised when there is a new missed (unanswered) call for a user.


Event “call_answered”

Code: 14

This event notifies that the call between the extension “ext” and the number “number” has been accepted by one of the two depending on the direction of the call. In general, this event indicates that the call has transited into its “active state”, ie the extension “ext” and the number “number” are talking. If you are interested in knowing who did what then you should keep track of the call and save the direction of the call, through the incoming_call and outgoing_call events described above.


Event “call_rejected”

Code: 15

This event notifies that the call between the extension "ext" and the number "number" has been rejected by the "called" whoever it is. In general, this event indicates that the call between the extension “ext” and the number “number” has “ended” without the two having spoken. If you are interested in knowing who was the caller and who was called and consequently who refused then you should keep track of the call and save the direction of the same, through the incoming_call and outgoing_call events described above.


Event “call_disconnect_out”

Code: 16

This event notifies that the extension "ext" has closed the call with the "number" after speaking to us.


Event “call_disconnect_in”

Code: 17

This event notifies that the extension "ext" has suffered the closure of the call from the number "number" after talking to it.


Extended Integration

In this section we will analyse the “extended” development interface which, like the user interface, has services and events that we will list and analyse one by one.
If the Integration user interface puts the user entity at the centre of its activity, the extended interface goes beyond the concept of the user to involve all the system entities.

In fact, the extended Integration interface allows generic operations such as:

It also provides commands for extended call management:

Extended services

Service Description
get_entities list entity
get_call_report call reports
get_current_calls list of ongoing calls
add_phonebook add a contact to the phonebook
update_phonebook update a contact in the phonebook
delete_phonebook delete a contact from the phonebook
get_phonebook list contacts from the phonebook
call_request_ext create a call between two entities
call_transfer_ext forwarding with extended supervision
call_divert_ext call extended diversion
call_recording_ext activate call recording
call_terminate end call

The service parametermust be included in all service requests for the identification of the service to be provided

In addition:

The token parameter must be included in all service requests for the sender's identification and authentication

Service “get_entities”


Returns a list of entities specified by the entity_type and entity_id parameters.
The returned list is in XML format and the tags present are a function of the type of entity requested.


Result per entity_type=0 - User

Returns N tag ‘user’ within the tag containing ‘users’, with each user tag contains the information fields of the user entity:

	    	    <id> User ID </id> 
	    	    <name> name</name>
	    	    <surname> surname</surname> 
	    	    <extension> extension </extension>
	    	    <email> email address </email>
	    	    <chat_status>(Appendices\Table 2)</chat_status>
	    	    <av_status>(Appendices\Table 2)</av_status>
	    	    <numoffice> office number</numoffice>
	    	    <numhome> home number </numhome>
	    	    <nummobile> mobile number </nummobile>
	    	    <numfax> fax number </numfax>
	    	    <phrase> User status description </phrase>

Result for entity_type = 1 - Ring group
Returns N tag ‘group’within the'groups' container tag.
Each tag ‘group’ contains the group information fields and the tag ‘users’ which in turn contains M tag ‘user’ (members of the ring group):

   	    <id> id group_1name </id> 
   	    <name> group_1 name </name>
   	    <is_broadcast> group by announcement </is_broadcast> 
   	    <visible> visible in the UI </visible>
   	    <member_login> run time login off/on </member_login>
   	    <pick_disabled> pick up disabled call</pick_disabled>
   	    <ring_mode> Ring mode (Appendices\Table 10)</ring_mode>
		   	    <id> id User_1 </id>
		   	    <identity> identità User_1 </identity>
		   	    <extension>i nterno User_1 </extension>
		   	    <id> id User_M </id>
		   	    <identity> identità User_M </identity>
		   	    <extension>interno User_M </extension>
	   <id> id group_N </id> 
   	   <name> name group_N </name>

Result by entity_type=2 - Gateway
Returns N tag ‘gateway’ within the 'gateways’ tag container
Each tag ‘gateway’ contains the gateway information fields:

   	    <id> gateway id _1 </id> 
   	    <name> gateway_name 1 </name>
   	    <type> gateway_type 1 (Appendices\Table 3) </type> 
   	    <enabled> enabled </enabled>
   	    <link_status> recording status (Appendices\Table 4)</link_status>
   	    <lines> number total lines </lines>
   	    <busy_lines> number lines busy</busy_lines>
   	    <host_port> IP and gateway port_1</host_port>	   	   
	   <id> id gateway_N </id> 
   	   <name> name gateway_N </name>

Result by entity_type=3 - IVR
Returns N tag ‘ivr’ within the ‘ivrs’tag container.
Each tag ‘ivr’ contains the information fields of the IVR and M tag node within the container tag nodes:

       <id> ivr_1 id</id> 
	   <name> ivr1_1 name </name>
	   <description> Description ivr_1 </description>
   	       <node_id> id node_1 </node_id>
		   <parent_id> id parent node </parent_id>
		   <description> node desc_1 </description>
		   <select_key> entrance key </select_key>
		   <go_back_key> return key </go_back_key>
		   <audio_type> 1 (audio_file) </audio_type>
		   <audio_message> audio node file </audio_message>
		   <audio_loop> 1=continuos ring - 0=una once</audio_loop>
		   <input_type> input type (Appendices\Table 11) </input_type>
		   <input_length> (only for input_type=1) expected input length </input_length>
		   <term_char> (only for input_type=2) character termination input </term_char>
		   <timeout_last_digit> (only for input_type=3) wating time from last digit </timeout_last_digit>
		   <waiting_input_time> max waiting time input </waiting_input_time>
		   <action> Node action (Appendices\Table 12) </action>
		   <called_type> (only for action=2) Type of entity to call -  (Appendices\Table 1) </called_type>
		   <called_id> (only for action=2) ID to call </called_id>
		   <called_external_number> (only for action=2) number to call</called_external_number>
		   <script> (only for action=3) script to run </script>				   	    
		   <node_id> ID nodo_M </node_id>
	   <id> ID ivr N <id>
	   <name> name ivr N </name>
		   nodo 1.N
		   nodo M.N

Result per entity_type=7 - Terminal

N.B. This command returns the terminals of a specific User therefore it is necessary to specify the parameter ‘owner_id’. Omitting the parameter does not mean obtaining the complete list of terminals but a null list.

Returns N tag ‘device’ within the tag ‘devices’, relating to the User whose ID was specified in the parameter ‘owner_id’.
Each of the ‘gateways’ tags contains the gateway information fields:

	   	  <id> ID terminale_1 </id> 
	   	  <user_agent> user agent of terminal_1 </user_agent>
	   	  <device_type>terminal_1 (Appendices\Table 5) </device_type> 
	   	  <host_port> IP and terminal port </host_port>
	   	  <registered> 1/0 - registrato/non_registrato </registered>
		  <id> ID device_N </id> 

Result per entity_type=8 - Casella vocale aziendale
Returns N tag ‘voicemail’ within the tag contenitore 'voicemails’
Each tag ‘voicemail’ contiene i campi informativi della casella vocale aziendale:

	    <id> ID casella vocale  </id>
	    <vmid> ID generale casella vocale aziendale </vmid>
	    <vmname> name casella vocale</vmname>
	    <vmcode> number da chiamare per accedere alla gestione della casella </vmcode>
	    <vmtobelisten>1/0 ci sono/non ci sono nuovi messaggi </vmtobelisten>
	    <rectobelisten>1/0 ci sono/non ci sono nuove registrazioni </rectobelisten>
	    <id> ID casella vocale  </id>

Result per entity_type=11 - Linea parcheggio
Returns N tag ‘park_line’ within the tag ‘lines’ '.
Each ‘park_line’ tag contains the information fields of the parking line:

      <id> Parking Line ID  </id>
      <linecode> Code access to the line </linecode>
      <number> number parked </number>
      <name>Name of contact in the address book </name>
      <parktime> parking date time YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</parktime>
      <status> parking line status (Appendices\Table 2) </status>
      <note> note from the parking user </note>
      <user_id> ID of the parking user<user_id>

Service “get_call_report”


The service get_call_report allows you to retrieve the history of calls transited through the phone system, which meet a series of requirements specified by the parameters entered in the request.



     <id> call identification</id>  
     <start_time> call start time </start_time>  
     <duration> duration of the call in seconds </duration>    	
     <outcome> outcome of the call (Appendix \ Table 8) </outcome>
     <calling_id> id of the calling entity </calling_id
     <calling_type> calling entity type </calling_type>  
     <calling_number> calling number </calling_number>  
     <called_id> id of the called entity </called_id>  
     <called_type> entity type called </called_type>  
     <called_number> number called </called_number> 
     <connected_id> id of last connected entity </connected _id>  
     <connected _type> type of last connected entity </connected _type>
     <connected _number> last number connected </connected _number>
     <ring_time> ring time in seconds</ring_time>  
     <hold_time> waiting time in seconds </hold_time> 
     <ivr_time> time spent in IVR in seconds </ivr_time>  
     <talk_time> actual conversAction time </talk_time>  
     <queue_time> time in queue for a group </queue_time>  
     <call_ref_if> call id of the transferred call 
     <external_id> iexternal id specified via service call_req_ext </external_id>
     <gateway_in> outgoing call from gateway</gateway_in>
     <gateway_out&gtincoming call from gateway</gateway_out>  
     <internal> call between extensions </internal> 

Service “get_current_calls”


The service get_current_calls allows you to retrieve calls in progress at the time of the request.
The list of calls in progress will be returned in XML format and each call will be inserted in a tag ‘call’.



     <id> call identification</id>  
     <start_time> call start time </start_time>  
     <calling_id> id of the calling entity </calling_id
     <calling_type> calling entity type </calling_type>  
     <calling_number> calling number </calling_number>  
     <calling_desc> identity of the caller </calling_desc>  
     <called_id> id of the called entity </called_id>  
     <called_type> entity type called </called_type>  
     <called_number> number called </called_number> 
     <called_desc> identity of the person called </called_desc>  
     <connected_id> id of entity connected </connected _id>  
     <connected_type> entity type connected </connected _type>
     <connected_desc> identity of connected </connected_desc>
     <recording> 1/0 in recording</recording>  
     <external_id> external id </external_id>
     <p2p> 1/0 peer to peer active </p2p>
     <codec> current codec code </codec>

Service “add_phonebook”


The service add_phonebook allows the external developer to insert a contact in the centralised directory of the VOIspeed phone system.
If the contact is entered, the identification of the contact is returned in VOIspeed.
In the future it will be possible to delete and / or update the contact using the returned identifier.



    <contact_id> ID del contatto </contact_id>

Service “update_phonebook”


The service update_phonebook allows the developer to update a contact in the centralised directory of the VOIspeed phone system, identified by the parameter contact_id.


Service “delete_phonebook”


The service delete_phonebook allows the developer to delete a contact in the centralised directory of the VOIspeed phone system, identified by the parametercontact_id.
The command can be used both to delete your own phone system contacts and to delete contacts coming from a synchronisation with an external directory (via the command phonebook_import_sync); in the first case using the command contact_id whilst in the second case, it will be necessary to use the app_name and external_contact_id.


Service “get_phonebook”


The service get_phonebook allows the developer to retrieve a set of contacts that match the search parameter ‘search’. The search will take place in the fields (string) name, surname, company, email, office, home, mobile, fax e other.
The service will return a list of contacts in XML format; each contact is contained in the tag.



  <name> Name of contact </name>
  <surname> Surname of contact  </surname>
  <company> Company of contact </company>
  <office> Office number  </office>
  <home> Home number </home>
  <mobile> Mobile number </mobile>
  <fax> Fax number </fax>
  <other> Other number </other>
  <email> Email address </email>
  <is_favourite> 1\0 preferred contact or not </is_favourite>

Service “call_request_ext”


The service call_request_ext allows the developer to call any entity of the system and, if this accepts the call, to connect it to another entity of the system.

N.B. The first entity called plays the role of ‘calling’ whilst the second entity has the role ‘called’.

The following Figure shows the sequence of actions and extended events that arise from the execution of the command ‘call_request_ext’:


N.B. the parameter auto_answer will be considered only if it refers to a user and if the chosen terminal supports it, otherwise it will be ignored.

Successful result

  <outcome> 0 </outcome>    
  <request_id> request id </request_id>

Negative result

  <outcome> 1 </outcome>    
  <error> error description </error>

N.B. the positive result means that the extended call service has been provided but that the VOIspeed PBX has received the request correctly and validated the sender. The service will be provided asynchronously at a later time.

Service “call_transfer_ext”


The service call_transfer_ext (extended call transfer) allows you to replace an entity A connected through a communiction COM_1, with an entity B connected through the communiction COM_2.

The following figure shows the intial situation before running the extended call transfer service:

The following figure shows thefinal situatione after the execution of the extended call transfer service:

The execution of the extended call transfer service takes place via the following sequence of operations:

  1. termination of the entity_call_A call in communication_1
  2. transfer of the entity_call_B call from communication_2 to Commutazion_1, effectively replacing entity_call_A
  3. ending of communication 2 and consequently also termination of the entity_call_D call


Service “call_divert_ext”


Suppose we have a communication COM_1 in which entity_A and entity_B are involved, as shown in the following Figure:

The service call_divert_ext (extended call diversion) allows you to replace entity_B with a third entity C.

The following figure shows the final situation after the execution of the service :

The execution of the extended call service diversion involves the following actions:

  1. ending call entity_call_B
  2. event notification of the extended event ‘disconnect_out’ relating to entity B
  3. call to entity C resulting in the creation of entity_call_C
  4. event notification of the extended event ‘call_out’ relating to entity C
  5. upon the arrival of a 'call_progress' from C, a synthetic free tone is made to entity_A
  6. notification of the Event‘call_progress’ relating to entity C


Service “call_recording_ext”


The service Activate/disactivate the recording of the communication is identified by the Value of the parameter call_id.


Service “call_terminate”


The service ends the communication resulting in the disconnection of the two entities involved.


Extended events

In the chapter Integration tools we have seen how to configure an Integration module, in which you have specified:

and you have configured everything correctly, when the events you have selected occur, you will receive “Notifications” presso at the URL you have indicated.

Before starting the discussion on events it is appropriate to make an important clarification regarding the "direction" of events

N.B. Extended events, unlike User events that have the User
itself as the object of events, they have as their point of view
events the PBX. The extended Event 'call_in’ means
that a call request from an entity has arrived at the PBX
system, while the Event extended ‘call_out’ means that from
PBX has started a call indication to a system entity.

All System Events (SSN) will always contain the following parameters:

Event Code Description
call_in 1 Incoming call from entity
call_progress 2 Incoming call from entity
call_out 3 Call to entity
call_response 4 Call response (positive \ negative) from entity
disconnect_in 5 call termination sent to entity
disconnect_out 6 call termination received from entity
call_transfer 7 Call Transferred (Supervised Forwarding)
dtmf_out 8 Event obsolete - decommissioned
call_divert 9 Call diverted (blind forwarding)
call_terminated 10 Call ended
call_held 11 Call put on hold by entity
call_retrieved 12 Call activated (after waiting) from entity

Event “call_in”

Code: 1


Notification of the arrival of a call from the number ‘calling’ to number ‘called’ by the entity identified by the coordinates (calling_id, calling_type)


Event “call_progress”

Code: 2


Notification of the arrival of a call signal from the entity specified by the coordinates(sender_id, sender_type)


Event “call_out”

Code: 3


Notifies an outgoing call from the PBX to the entity specified by the coordinates (called_id, called_type) from the ‘calling’ number to the ‘called’number


Event “call_response”

Code: 4


Notification that the entity identified by the coordinates(sender_id, sender_type) sent the final answer to a call sent to it. The parameter ‘outcome’ indicates whether the call was accepted or rejected and if so, the outcome.
Only in the case of an accepted call (OK outcome), a series of parameters follow that notify the current "actors" in the call: the coordinates of the entities are notified ‘calling’, ‘called’ e ‘connected’.

N.B. In every call, in addition to the entities ‘calling’ e ‘called’, the entity connected remains.
The connected entity can coincide with one of the two calling and called entities if they are simple entities, or not coincide if one of the two is a composite entity.
For example, if the called entity is a Ring Group, the connected entity is the User of the group that accepted the call.


Event “disconnect_in”

Code: 5


Notifies the PBX of a termination signal called by the entity identified by the coordinates(sender_id, sender_type).


Event “disconnect_out”

Code: 5


PBX notification by the PBX of a termination signal called to the entity identified by the coordinates (recipient_id, recipient_type).


Event “call_transfer”

Code: 7


Notify a call transfer from the coordinate entity (sender_id, sender_type) of the communication 'call_id', to the entity (recipient_id, recipient_type) of the communication ‘refer_id’.

N.B. At the end of the transfer, the 'recipient' entity will be included in the communication of the transferring entity instead
of the transferring entity itself. The communication 'refer_id' will come


Event “call_divert”

Code: 9


Notify the call diversion from the entity (sender_id, sender_type) of the communication 'call_id', to the entity (recipient_id, recipient_type) of communication.

N.B. At the end of the diversion, the entity ‘recipient’ will be inserted in the communication instead of the entity ‘sender’.
The entity of destination ‘recipient’ is in the ringing’status.


Event “call_terminated”

Code: 10


Notifies the termination of the communication identified by the parameter ‘call_id’. the parameter ‘outcome’ defines the final outcome of the call.


Event “call_held”

Code: 11


Notification of the 'waiting' of the call by the User specified by the parameter ‘user_id’; the entity type is implied (User).


Event “call_retrieved”

Code: 12


Notifies the recovery of the call from waiting by the User specified by the parameter ‘user_id’; the entity type is implied (User).


Example: Predictive dialer

In this section we will describe which services and which events to use to implement a simple predictive dialer.
A predictive dialer is a software that takes N numbers from a database, calls them all simultaneoususly and for each accepted call tries to put the interlocutor in communication with a free operator.

N.B. In this example we will not write Code, but we will request
the execution of certain services through our browser,
retrieving the parameters to be attached to requests from a simple
text file event logger.

Step 1 - Enable extended commands and events (SSN)

Step 2 - Configuration IVR reception
The first step is to create and configure a new auto responder to which external numbers can be connected when they accept the call.

Step 3 - Configuration IVR hold-operator
Create and configure a new auto responder to connect operators to “available” waiting connecting them with an external number.

Step 4 - Gateway search available
We shall use the service “get_entities” to obtain the list of gateways and evaluate the number of free lines.

Open the browser and launch the following URL using the URL associated with your domain and thetoken of your Integration module.


… and you will get your company's gateway list.
In our example, choose a gateway with free lines and take note of its ID, in the general case, however, for each gateway you should save the ID and the number of free lines.

N.B. In this example we will call a single external number and connect it with a single User; however the operation can be
automated and scaled to number of external numbers..

Step 5 - Search for numbers to call
Search your contact database for all those still to be called in a number equal to the number of free lines you recovered in Step 4.
In our example, the number will only be one and choose it in such a way that it exists and is reachable.

Step 6 - User search Available
Also in this case, as in Step 4, we will use The service “get_entities” selecting the type“User


… and you will get the list of users of your company.
In our example you choose an “Available” User for the call (av_status=2) - see Appendices Table 2) and take note of its ID which we will call "user_id".
In the general case, choose an M number of "available" users and memorise the User ID for each.

Step 8 - Launch calls to external numbers
We launch the call to external number chosen in Step 5 using the “gateway” selected in Step 4 and connect it to’IVR “Reception” using the “call_request_ext” service as follows:


N.B. the parameter “extid” it will be inserted in all SSN events related to this call; you can use this Value, on your own
generated, to associate each call Event received with the relative
which generated the call itself.

In the general case, ie in the case in which we have developed a software of "predictive dialing", we should launch as many calls with the service "call_request_ext" as there are free lines of the Gateways (Step 4).

Step 9 - Launch calls to operators
Immediately after launching the call to the external number (Step 8), we launch a call to the operator chosen in Step 6. Also in this case we use the service “call_request_ext” to connect the operator chosen to the’IVR "Waiting-operator" configured in Step 3.


N.B. the parameter “auto_answer” set to 1 indicates that the "calling" entity, ie the chosen operator, is required to
automatic reply, if your terminal supports it.
It is advisable to use the automatic reply to shorten the connection times between theoperator chosen and the IVR "Waiting-operator".

With steps 8 and 9 we launched two calls:

  1. la prima communication COM_1 per connettere un external number con l’IVR reception with communication ID ID_COM_1.
  2. the second communication to connect theoperatore with the IVR Waiting-operator con ID communication ID_COM_2.

At this point we just have to wait for the SSN events that derive from the two calls in question and retrieve the data we need from the “logger” of the events referred to in Step 1.

For the first call we will receive the events:

For the second call we will receive the events:

Step 10 - "external number" - operator interconnection
The final goal is to have a single communication that interconnects the external number with the operator and simultaneoususly disconnects the two IVRs that we used as "support".
The service “call_transfer_ext” makes our case; in fact, it allows us to replace the IVR reception in COM_1 communication with the COM_2 communication operator.
To do this you need to open the “logger” events and take note of the following data:

We will also call:

Finally, from Appendices - Table 1, we know that:

Now format the command “call_transfer_ext” as follows:


… and launch it in your browser.
If you have not made any mistakes you should note that the external number is connected with the operator in the COM_1 communication and that the COM_2 communication is ended.

Integration IVR

In this chapter we will discuss another very powerful and flexible type of Integration with the VOIspeed phone system. We are talking about the Integration on the automatic responder or IVR side


VOIspeed allows you to create an IVR tree whose nodes, after having played an audio message and having received any input from the User, can run an external script indicating in the parameters information relating to the number connected, to the communication ID, the nodo explored to the input received by the User via DTMF.

Furthermore, the executed script, using a certain syntax that we will describe later, can return the sender IVR new actions to perform like transit to a child node, forward the call to a number or system entity or change some or all of the properties of the current node and run it again.

Configuration Integration IVR

Before starting the in-depth discussion, let's see how to configure an IVR with only one root node running an external script.

  1. Enter “Configuration\Responders
  2. Create a new IVR and call it “Test Integration IVR
  3. Create a root node and call it “Root test Integration
  4. Select a short audio messsage to send to play in mode “NO LOOP
  5. Set “Input type” a "Fixed length"
  6. Set "Number of input digits = 1"
  7. Set “Action of the node” to "Follow script"
  8. In the field “URL script” insert “server_web_url/logger_ivr.php”


IVR event logger

In this section we will implement a simple IVR event logger.
On your web server, edit the file “logger_ivr.php” and enter the following Code:

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	return TRUE;

Create a routing rule for the number 12345 and associate it with the IVR“Test Integration IVR” that you created in the previous Step. Now take a registered terminal of the extension “35” and call the number “12345”.
If you have done all of the above correctly, you should hear the audio message you have selected for the node “Integration test root”. When playing the message or at the end of it press key “1” of the terminal that you are using.

Now go to your web server and open the "logger_ivr.txt" file and you will find the following line containing the “querystring” related to the script invoked by the node “Integration test root”:


Let's examine the “querystring” received in more detail:

You will surely have noticed that after a few seconds, the call closed automatically, before understanding why, it is important to underline that:

N.B. Each time an IVR node runs a script, it notifies you of information relating to the but, more importantly, to
rentry of the script means it is waiting for your indications of Action
to complete

S If you omit to enter the instructions, or you have entered them syntactically incorrectly, thedefault action or call termination. This explains the automatic closing of our test call, in fact the "logger_ivr.php" script, after having "logged in" the Event returns TRUE and no instructions.

Return script instructions

When the script returns, the sender IVR node performs an analysis of your response to extract the Action to be performed, therefore, before analysing in detail how many and which actions can be defined, we give some syntactic rules to send well-formed instructions.

Each action has its own particular parameters that allow its execution.

Action “End call”

Code: 0


This action ends the current call and is the default action in the event that no instructions are received or if the instructions are poorly formed.

PHP example:

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	return 'command=0';

Output script:


Action “Transit to next node”

Code: 1


This action tells the current node to transit to its child node with the selection key specified by the parameter “node_key”.

If there is no child node with the specified selection key, it remains in the current node until the call is closed by the interlocutor.


PHP example:

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	$tmp_command = 'command=1';
	$tmp_key = 'node_key=2';
	return $tmp_command."\r\n".$tmp_key;

Output script:


Action “Transfer to number”

Code: 2


This Action instructs the current node to transfer the call to the number specified by the parameter “recipient_number”.


N.B. The entity to which the call will actually be transferred will result from the analysis of the routing rules configured in the
PBX using the number as a search parameter.

PHP example:

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	$tmp_command = 'command=2';
	$tmp_number = 'recipient_number=385';
	return $tmp_command."\r\n".$tmp_number;

Output script:


Action “Transfer us to entity”

Code: 3


This action tells the current node to transfer the call from a system entity by specifying its coordinates through parameters “recipient_id” and “recipient_type” using as number called the number specified by the parameter “recipient_number”.
In the following example, suppose you want to transfer the call to Assistance Group” with ID=“5” by notifying them of the company number called for example "073333655434"


Remember that the Code that identifies the group is 1.

PHP example:

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	$tmp_cmd = 'command=3'."\r\n";
	$tmp_nr = 'recipient_number=073333655434'."\r\n";
	$tmp_id = 'recipient_id=5'."\r\n";
	$tmp_type = 'recipient_type=1';
	return $tmp_cmd.$tmp_nr.$tmp_id.$tmp_type;

Output script:


Action “Update and follow node”

Code: 4


This action tells the current node to update its internal properties with the contents of the returned parameters and launch the new execution.

The action “Update and run node” is perhaps the most powerful and flexible Integration tool. It allows the integrator, on the front of a single node configured on the VOIspeed side, to execute routing logics completely detached from the internal configuration of the PBX by assigning:


PHP example

	$file_handle = fopen('logger_ivr.txt','a');
	$tmp_time = date(DATE_RSS);
	$tmp_query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
	fwrite($file_handle,$tmp_time.' '.$tmp_query."\r\n");
	$tmp_cmd = 'command=4'."\r\n";
	$tmp_msg = 'audio_message=new_message.wav'."\r\n";
	$tmp_loop = 'audio_loop=0'."\r\n";
	$tmp_len = 'input_length=6'."\r\n";
	$tmp_timeout = 'input_timeout=10'."\r\n";
	$tmp_action = 'node_action=3'."\r\n";
	$tmp_script = 'script_url=new_url'."\r\n";
	$tmp_tag = 'tag=5';

	return $tmp_cmd.$tmp_msg .$tmp_loop .$tmp_len.$tmp_timeout.

Output script:


Upon re-entry of the script, the current node will know that it:

Example: PIN control on entry

Suppose a company provides an advanced telephone technical support service, which can be accessed by calling a specific number “support_number”.
Suppose, furthermore, that this company provides all customers, who have subscribed and paid for an annual subscription,with a 6-digit PIN through which to access the service.
In this example we will see how to implement automatic PIN control via Integration on the IVR side.

Step 1 - create group "Group_support"

Step 2 - create "IVR_Support" tree

Step 3 - Routing
Create a new routing rule “Support_Rule” which connects all incoming calls for the number “Support_number” to the auto responder “IVR_Support

Step 4 - Implement action verification script

Suppose for simplicity that the only 6-digit PIN allowed in
our little example is “123456” while all the other sequences
are wrong. In a real application, the company certainly has a DB whose extension there is a Table where you can verify the authenticity of the PIN entered.

Create the file “script_support.php” open it and insert the following Code:

	$tmp_cmd = "command=1"."\r\n";
	if ($_GET["input"] == "123456"){	
    	$tmp_key = "node_key=2";    	
	else {	    	
    	$tmp_key = "node_key=1";			
	return $tmp_cmd.$tmp_key;    	    	

Analysing the script, we can see that the Return Action is always“Transit to the next node”, however, if the sequence is correct, the selection key is set to“2” or the node “success”, if instead the sequence is wrong, the selection key is set to “1” or the node "failed"

Copy your script to your web server and from a third-party User terminal, call the number “support_number”.
If you have done the configurations correctly your call will be connected to the node “Root_support” of the responder“IVR_support”.You will be asked to enter a 6-digit PIN; type it correctly ie “123456”; at this point you should hear the node message “PIN_OK” and immediately afterwards your call will be transferred to the group “Group_Support”.

If you repeat the operation by mistaking the required sequence, you should pass through the node “PIN_Error” and immediately afterwards the call will be transferred to the default User.

Synchronisation of Contacts Directory


The service phonebook_import_sync allows the external developer to import and / or massively synchronize a set of contacts within the centralised address book of the VOIspeed PBX.

An important aspect in the management of this command is the possibility to tag the contacts imported into VOIspeed from an external application with a uc_app_name. This identifier can be assigned to a User so that the UI, by logging in with this identifier, will use it as a preference when choosing the resolution of the contact on call.

Uc_app_name parameter management

As indicated in the Introduction, the parameter uc_app_name (which will be described in detail later in the manual) has an important meaning also in the management of the name-number resolution carried out by the VOIspeed system during the call phase.

When VOIspeed manages a call with a given external number it tries to solve it with the contact data within its own address book; since with the introduction of the service uc_app_name the contacts can also be entered in VOIspeed by third-party applications, the user may be interested in giving a resolution priority in order to resolve potentially controversial situations if, for example, the same number is in the address book is associated to different names ..

For this, in the Configuration of the Integration Module (already seen in the section Integration tools) there is a special section where you can specify:

Enable address book in Integration module

After configuring this aspect, in the User profile it will be possible to select your application created for the synchronisation of contacts in the address book as the preferred name / number resolution application in call.

User contacts resolution configuration

Service parameters

This service must necessarily be invoked via the http POST method, the body must contain a single named parameter“contacts” and enhanced with the contacts to be imported / synchronized in JSON format. The request body must be coded according to the standard multipart/form-data.

The single contact is an object with the following attributes:

Example of the POST body:

           "company":"Los Pollos Hermanos", 
	   "company":"Car Washing Inc.",
	   "company":"Goodman Law",

The parameters that represented telephone numbers admit strings formed exclusively by numeric characters, at most prefixed with the "+". Any other characters such as letters, spaces, commas or special characters, are eliminated (sanitized).

Additional contact information

the parameter ext_info allows you to attach additional information, typical of third-party applications, to the contact. This information is intended as data of interest to the User, in order to better manage contacts during the call. For example, if the contact is a customer of the company, the information could be the customer's turnover, credit, invoices paid, unpaid, etc. These data can subsequently be used, during the call phase, displayed within the User interface (UI VOIspeed). In order for these to be correctly received they must respect a certain format. In particular, they must be encoded in JSON format and must be a collection of objects, each of which has two fields / attributes: ‘caption’ and ‘value’, which respectively represent the name or title of information and the information itself. Here is an example of the parameter valorisation ext_info with which to link additional information to a contact:

	     "value":"1000 EUR"},
	    {"caption":"Credit limit",
	     "value":"2000 EUR"},
	    {"caption":"Sales Agent",
	     "value":"Mark Smith"},
	    {"caption":"Shipping address",
	     "value":"26 London Road"}]

Service result

The result of the service differs based on the choice of the extended output parameter(verbose_output).


In the case of basic output, the xml returned is the following:

    <processed>N contacts processed by the service </processed>
	<skipped>N contacts skipped because they are invalid</skipped>
	<warnings>N contacts imported but which generated an alert</warnings>
	<errors>N contacts not imported due to server errors</errors>

Contacts can be skipped for several reasons:

The contacts produce an output warning when:


In the case of extended output, the xml returned, in addition to basic information, includes an exhaustive report with all the information relating to the individual contact.

    <processed>N contacts processed by the service </processed>
	<skipped>N contacts skipped because they are invalid</skipped>
	<warnings>N contacts imported but which generated an alert</warnings>
	<errors>N contacts not imported due to server errors</errors>
			<uc_external_id>contact identifier for the third party application</uc_external_id>
			<id>VOIspeed ​​contact identifier</id>
			<act>Action performed during the contact processing (insert / update)</act>
			<info>any error or warning message</info>
			<uc_external_id>contact identifier for the third party application</uc_external_id>
			<id>VOIspeed contact identifier</id>
			<act>Action performed during the contact processing (insert /  update)</act>
			<info>any error or warning message</info>

The tag <act> allows you to understand which action was carried out on the particular contact, i.e. the insertion of a new element or the updating of an existing element. The algorithm underlying this behavior is based on two coordinates, represented by the parameters uc_app_name e external_contact_id. If no contact matching the Value of these two parameters is found in the VOIspeed address book, a new contact is added ( insert ); otherwise, if a contact with these coordinates already exists, it is not duplicated, but overwritten ( update ). This approach allows you to perform a massive synchronisation of the address book repeated over time, avoiding duplication of the contacts in the external application.


Table 1

Value Entity type
0 User
1 Ring Group
2 Gateway
3 IVR automatic responder
7 Terminal
8 Company Voicemail
10 Meeting Room
11 Parked lines
13 Department

Table 2

Value Audio video status
0 Unknown
1 Unavailable
2 Available
3 Ringing
4 Busy
5 Do not Disturb DND
6 Reserved
7 Absent
8 In diversion

Table 3

Value Gateway type
0 VoIP Carrrier
1 ISDN Line
2 GSM network  
3 Analogue Line

Table 4

Value Gateway status
1 Not registered
2 Registered
7 Recording attempt

Table 5

Value Terminal type
0 Unknown
1 Reserved
2 SIP terminal
3 USB terminal
4 DECT terminal
5 Mobile terminal

Table 6

Value User Events
1 Command failed
8 Incoming call to the User
9 Call made by the User
10 New voice message for the User
12 New missed call for the User
14 Call in conversation
15 Call rejected
16 Call ended by the user
17 Termination call received
18 Call transferred

Table 7

Value User call status
0 Unknown
1 Outgoing connection
2 Active
3 In Attesa
4 Ended
5 Inbound connection

Table 8

Value Call outcomes
0 Unknown
1 OK
2 Number called Busy
3 Rejected by number called
4 Number called unavailable
5 Number called does not answer
6 There are no lines available for connection to the number called
7 Number called in do not disturb (only if extension)
8 Number called Absent (only if extension)
9 Calling number does not answer
10 Calling number busy
11 Rejected by calling number
12 Number called unavailable
13 There are no lines available to connect to the calling number

Table 9

Value Communication status
0 Inactive
1 Incoming call from calling entity
2 In connection with called entity
3 Active
4 In diversion to another entity or number
5 Being taken by a User
6 Called extension not available
7 Finishing
8 Ended

Table 10

Value Group ring mode
1 Simultaneous ring
2 Cyclic ring
3 Cyclic ring with forwarding
4 Progressive ring
5 Progressive ring with forwarding
6 Not used
7 Automatic queuing

Table 11

Value IVR node input type
0 No input expected
1 Input a fixed length
2 Character terminated input
3 Input with timeout from last received digit

Table 12

Value IVR node actions
0 No Action
1 Transition to the next node
2 Make call
3 Run external script

Table 13

Value Automatic reply
0 No automatic reply
1 The caller answers automatically
2 The called party answers automatically

Table 14

Forwarding code Description
180 Called Ringing
181 Call forwarded
183 Generic call forwarding

Table 15

Value Return action from IVR script
0 End call
1 Transit to the next node
2 Transfer call to number
3 Transfer call to an entity
4 Rerun the node with the new properties