How to retrieve notes and scheduled calls on a contact

The basic idea is similar to that of a CRMs for which you can retrieve details of a company contact, calls and notes linked to that contact.  As VOIspeed UCloud is a telephony platform, this mini CRM focuses on calls.

To see the phone activity and notes, simply click on the button linked to the contact:

  • directly from the contact in the phonebook.
  • or by right-clicking on a contact among those present in the Users Tab.

Functions of the Contact information panel

The Contact information panel allows you to retrieve the history of telephone activities linked to a specific contact. From this panel you can access two sections:

Call report
The section contains the list of all calls handled by the user with the contact highlighted. For all the calls in question (shown in the left panel) it is also possible to view the related notes (listed in the right panel).In this panel it is also possible to perform various actions on the list of these calls:

  1. text search between calls and notes
  2. pre-filter the calls showing them all, only those containing a note or just all the notes;
  3. filter the calls by type (incoming, outgoing, lost) and temporally;
  4. add a note to the selected call using the key.

For more information on handling call notes, see  How to create and view notes for a call

Scheduled calls
This section contains a list of all call reminders linked to the selected contact. For all the items in question (shown in the left panel) you can also view the related notes (listed in the right panel). In this panel you can also manage the call reminders and notes as follows:

  1. text search between memos and notes;
  2. pre-filter the reminders showing them all or only the expired ones;
  3. filter reminders temporally;
  4. add a new reminder using the key.

For more information on managing call reminders, see How to create and manage a call reminder


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