VOIspeed UCloud uses the proprietary multiprocess architecture, called Atom, which allows the switchboard low-level operations to be divided into individual autonomous processes. This has a significant and positive impact on the stability and continuity of service of the system because if a particular process should have the problems, will be reset independently without affecting everything else working. This architecture is therefore particularly useful in the Cloud environment, where the same physical machine that runs software that hosts many company phone systems. A problem that will require a switchboard process to be restarted will not affect the operation of the other switchboards. But there is more: the Atom architecture is so widespread that every single call is a process in itself: if therefore a call has problems is so severe that it has to be reset, Atom will only reset the process associated with that call, while all of the other calls of the same company will have no impact.
Given the strongly structured nature of processes, the UCloud switchboard administration interface obviously allows us to have a view on their state.
From the menu Monitoring – Processes you can monitor the status of the execution of individual processes of your own switchboard business and even apply the restart action: in particular, the button allows you to restart the process when it is inactive, while the button
restarts the process instantly.
From the Monitoring – Process Log menu, you can view and download the list of log files generated by all the switchboard processes for debugging purposes.
From the Monitoring – Startup History menu, it is possible to observe the history of the restart processes of the switchboard processes with the reason for the reboot and link to the log file. An advanced filter allows you to narrow down the list of results