The GDPR features of VOIspeed UCloud help you process your company’s confidential data

Security for all your phone system users


VOIspeed allows every user to access a software interface linked to their own phone extension. This interface is enhanced with collaboration and sharing tools to help you do your job faster.


It is fundamental that access to all features in which data is processed or exchanged is protected effectively, and that the user is able to modify or change easily login credentials, at any time.

VOIspeed multi device

Flexibility and security in the management of these important functionalities


With your VOIspeed phone system, you can monitor and trace all company telephone activity thanks to phone reports and call recording features.


These features however should not interfere in anyway with the privacy of the people you work with nor be out of line with current legislation. For this reason we have refined our software to enable users to centrally manage all the parameters that influence the acquisition and storage of call data on your phone system.

Data portability and cancellation


GDPR regulations bring to our attention that it is everyones’ responsibility to know what data is collected whatever the size of company, and that users can obtain a record of this and ask that it be deleted.


For this reason VOIspeed has developed a panel dedicated to collect and manage all the data saved on a phone system for individual users or company contacts; this data can be sent easily to the person requesting it, and can be deleted permanently from the phone system.

The security of your company is at the centre of our software


Your phone system retains and manages a great quantity of data for you and it is fundamental for us to guarantee you the maximum security in its management.


VOIspeed saves all the data on users and contacts encrypted, protecting them from unlawful access and keeping track of all access information so that you can trace back any change made by you or your colleagues.

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