VOIspeed User Interface with third-party software

The integration between the VOIspeed telephone (UI) and third-party SW, via our Integra software, allows  you to personalise your phone system with bespoke software.


In this section, you can integrate external programs by passing some parameters in conjunction with particular events. Through Integra and the running of external scripts, you can integrate the UI with external applications. The options are:

  • Enable INTEGRA: enable integration
  • Only on external calls: if activated, Integra does not intervene in calls between extensions

Command to execute: string containing the command that will be executed by the SHELL of Windows, i.e. as if it were given directly from the MSDOS prompt (see below for more details).

The execution of the command is linked to particular events: in order for the command to be executed it is necessary to activate at least one of them, but it is possible to select multiple events that lead to the initiation of the script:

  • On call in = incoming call
  • On forward in = forwarded incoming call
  • On call out = call made
  • On call accept = call accepted
  • On call close = call ended
  • On call activate = a queue call is activated
  • On busy = the number called is busy
VOIspeed UI
VOIspeed GUI
(On Premises)

The string set in the command field to be executed specifies a URL or the name of the local script to be invoked together with the parameters that the UI must pass to it. Simply enter the path (local or remote) of the script and the parameters (from! 00 to! 07 as needed) so that, when the UI begins running the script, it will replace the respective values with the parameters.
NOTE: the string of this field is sent to the Windows shell as it is, without adding other interpreters. So you can invoke batch commands (DOS), URLs (which in this case will invoke the default browser), and executable programs with absolute paths or not (as long as the environment variable “path” contains the path to the program invoked). Basically, you can think of this field as the Windows DOS shell in which the string is typed by a human operator.


iexplore http://mywebserver.com/myscript.php?&num_chiamante=!01&action=!02

When the script is invoked, the UI instantiates the variables indicated with their actual value. In the example shown, for an incoming call from 026161616, the string actually sent by the UI to the Windows shell will be:

iexplore http:/mywebserver.com/myscript.php?&num_chiamante=026161616&action=CALL_IN

Which in practice allows opening an instance of Internet Explorer towards the indicated link. In the example shown you can also omit the string iexplore since the invocation of the URL is usually automatically resolved by the operating system that selects the linked default application.

Below are all the parameter names with their respective meanings.

  • ! 00 = your own internal number
  • ! 01 = remote number (called or calling)
  • ! 02 = action (event that triggered the script invocation and matches those that can be selected, can be a value between: CALL_IN, CALL_FORWARD_IN, CALL_OUT, CALL_ACCEPT, CALL_CLOSE, CALL_ACTIVE and CALL_BUSY)
  • ! 03 = own direct number called
  • ! 04 = date / time of the event (refers to the time of the Server and in the format day / month / year_hour.minute.second)
  • ! 05 = Call ID (call identification code, we remind you that this code is automatically generated by the Server and uniquely identifies the call)
  • ! 06 = original calling number (in the case of an incoming call from forwarding or from an IVR node, this parameter indicates the actual number of the caller)
  • ! 07 = number called original. Typically represents the number contacted by the call (company number).



The UI can be activated with simple commands to allow an external software (for example an application, or a link in a web page) to exploit some of its features without going through the graphical user interface.

The available commands are as follows:

    • Make a call = voispeed: C {number} or voispeed: {number}
      where {number} is the number to call.
    • Make a call with extended ID = voispeed: {number}, {ext_ID}
      where {number} is the number to call and {ext_ID} is a user-supplied identifier that is reported in call monitoring and the final call report.
    • Disconnect call = voispeed: D {call ID}
      where {call ID} is the ID of the call to be disconnected, in its absence the first call is disconnected by the user.
    • Forward the active call = voispeed: F {Call ID}
      where {call ID} is the call ID to which the first active call is forwarded.
    • Autoconfiguration of the UI = voispeed: Username @ domain, password (MD5), internal, url1, url2
      allows you to autoconfigure the login credentials of the local UI for the user (username, MD5 password, internal), for the PBX indicated by url1 and optionally from the url2. This command is used in the mail sent to users with their credentials for UI login.
      start voispeed: Ualpha39 @ tscomm.it, 8c7bde4622aea226d1cff593b3c26829,3939, 5063
      configures the alpha39 user UI account on PBX .
      The password must be encrypted with the MD5 algorithm

Example in HTML: to insert a link to a number on a web page, just create an anchor link of this type:

<a href=”voispeed:187 “> Call Telecom Italia customer service </a>

Note: to execute these commands, the UI must be started and registered on the PBX.


From the UI VOIspeed through a combination of special keys it is possible to make a call from any application: highlighting a number from a text file, from a browser page or from other applications and pressing the hot-key on the keyboard, a call will be initiated to the number selected.


This section is used to set the desired key combination to bring the UI to the fore.

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